Robuste Photovoltaik-Straßenleuchte mit LED Lampe und smartem Bewegungssensor- kein Stromanschluss erforderlich.. Empfohlen für Länder mit durchschnittlicher Sonneneinstrahlung, wie Europa, Ukraine, Neuseeland. Hohe Lichtstärke durch modernste SMD LED in Verbindung mit elektronischem 12V-60V DC PWM Treiber. Die Helligkeit ist vergleichbar mit einer 80W Quecksilberdampflampe oder Natriumdampflampe 50W. Intelligente Mikroprozessor-Systemsteuerung. Konstruktion, Herstellung und Qualitätsmanagement in Deutschland. Die Solarleuchte ist wartungsfrei Alle Halterungen und Befestigungen sind feuerverzinkt (gegen Aufpreis auch mit Lackierung nach Wunsch). Die Schrauben bestehen aus VA Edelstahl rostfrei.
Allgemeine technische Daten:
Beleuchtete Fläche: Ca. 20 x 4m Empfohlener Mastabstand: Ca. 15-20 Meter Umgebungstemperatur: -20°C ~ +50°C (Erweiterung -35°C ~ +65°C auf Anfrage möglich) Schutzklasse: III Schutzkleinspannung Prüfzeichen: CE, RoHS, WEEE 20 Jahre Verfügbarkeitsgarantie für Ersatzteile.
Leuchtenkopf Spezifikation: Robuster LED Leuchtenkopf aus Alu-Druckguss LED Lampe: SMD Chipset LED Leistung: 15W Lichtfarbe: 4000K neutralweißKeine UV-Strahlung für reduzierte Insekten-Anlockung LED Effizienz: > 145 lm/w Leuchten Effizienz: > 130 lm/w Lichtstrom Lumen: 2300 Lm Zentrale Beleuchtungsstärke: >28 Lux (4m Höhe) Durchschnittliche Lichtstärke: > 16 Lux (4m) LED Lebensdauer: ca. 100.000 Stunden Schutzart: IP65 (wasser- und sturmgeschützt). Gewährleistung: 5 Jahre
Leuchtensteuerung: Smarte Mikroprozessor Steuerung mit drahtloser Programmier-Möglichkeit. Auslesen des aktuellen Betriebszustandes mit Speicherung der Messdaten aller Komponenten der letzten Tage. Automatische Einschaltung bei Sonnenuntergang und Abschaltung bei Sonnenaufgang. (Schaltpegel einstellbar)
Die Leuchte kann die ganze Nacht (ab Dämmerung) oder in 5 Zeitblocks (1-15Std) auf eine Leistung von Bsp.10-30% eingestellt werden.Sollte eine Person in den Erfassungsbereich des Bewegungsmelder kommen (ca. 15m, 360°) wird die LED Lampe auf 50-100% Leistung, je nach Einstellung 1-10min geschaltet.
Durch die langen Wintermonate sollte die Summe der Zeitblöcke zusammen mindestens 15 Stunden betragen. Die Einschaltung der LED beginnt durch die eingestellte Nachtlichterkennungsschwelle (Spannungsabfall am PV Modul).
Die Abschaltung der Leuchte bei Sonnenaufgang erfolgt ebenfalls durch die festgelegte Nachtlichterkennungsschwelle (Spannungsaufbau am PV Modul, die Zeitblöcke werden beendet).
Beispiel 1: Ab Dämmerung 4 Stunden mit 10% Grundbeleuchtung, bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt 100%, Rest der Nacht (ca.10Std) Grundbeleuchtung 0% und Bewegungsmelderkontakt 70%
Beispiel 2: 4 Std 10% Grundbeleuchtung, 100% bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt, danach 6 Std nur bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt 50%, Rest der Nacht wieder 4 Std 10% Grundbeleuchtung, 100% bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt
Beispiel 3: Die ganze Nacht (15Std) auf 10%, bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt 100%
Zusätzlich ist der Laderegler mit einer Smart Power Funktion ausgerüstet, die eine automatische Dimmung in der Nacht je nach Akkuladezustand ermöglicht.Wenn die Akkuspannung unter 50% fällt, wird die Lampe automatisch auf 50% gedimmt, dieser Prozess ist absteigend bis der Tiefenentladeschutz einsetzt. Diese Einstellung ermöglicht einen sicheren Betrieb auch an den lichtschwachen Tagen im Winter.
Die Ladereglereinstellungen werden von uns nach Kundenwunsch voreingestellt.Möchten Sie Einstellungen verändern, benötigen Sie die Fernbedienung S-SOLS29-5.Gerne helfen wir Ihnen bei der Entscheidung der richtigen Voreinstellungen.Alle Funktionen werden je nach Projekt und Kundenwunsch von uns kostenfrei vorprogrammiert, sodaß die Leuchte sofort nach Aufbau betriebsfertig ist.Temperatur-optimierte Batterie-Ladung und Erhaltungsladung zur Schonung der Batterien.Überspannungs- und Tiefentladeschutz für Batterie.Verpolungs-und Kurzschlußschutz.Zusätzliche SchmelzsicherungSchutzart: IP66Gewährleistung: 5 Jahre
Bewegungsmelder:Sensor MikrowellenErfassungswinkel 360°Reichweite bis 12m
Solarmodul Spezifikationen:Monokristallines Silizium mit sehr hohem Wirkungsgrad gehärtetes Schutzglas, hagelfest Diese hochwertige Modul-Technologie gewährleistet auch Ladung bei bedecktem Himmel. An dunklen Tagen im Winter ist die Nachladung eingeschränkt, die Leuchtdauer ist damit verkürzt. Wirkungsgrad: > 20% Leistung: 120WpLebenserwartung: ca. 25 Jahre Leistungsgarantie * 20 Jahre 80% / 10 Jahre 90% * ausgenommen bei mechanischer Einwirkung
Batterie Speicher: Hochleistungs Solar Lithium-Ionen Eisen Akkumulator LiFePo4 Batteriespannung: 12V wartungsfrei, longlife. Für Solar Zyklenbetrieb Lebensdauer: 8 - 12 Jahre / 20°C Funktion auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen.Autarke Betriebsdauer bei bedecktem Wetter (mit voll geladenem Akku):7 Tage (80 Stunden) Die Batterie befindet sich im Mast, hinter der verriegelbaren Tür.
Stahlmast, feuerverzinkt Sichtbare Höhe: 4 m Erdstück: 80 cm zum EinbetonierenZum leichteren Aufstellen bieten wir auch Einbauhülsen an, in die der Mast eingesteckt werden kann. Verschließbare Masttür, zum leichten Zugang zur Steuerung.
Anlieferung zerlegt mit folgenden Komponenten:LED Lampenkopf mit MastbefestigungSolarmodul mit stabiler MastbefestigungStahlmast mit vormontiertem Akku Leuchtensteuerung (bereits im Mast montiert). Bebilderte Aufbauanleitung in deutscher oder englischer Sprache.
Alle Komponenten sind vorverkabelt und vorbereitet für den schnellen Aufbau. Die betriebsfertige Leuchte wird zerlegt geliefert, für den sicheren Transport.
High quality solid and robust lamp for bike path, parking, hiking trail.Energy efficiency class A +++Light source Power LED.Brightness 600 lm = 60 watt incandescent light.Pleasant light color 4000K neutral white (no cold, blue light).Monocrystalline solar module with very high efficiency (tempered protective glass, hailproof), approx. 25 years life expectancy. The high-quality solar cell technology also ensures charging in cloudy skies.Maintenance-free high performance solar lead gel accumulator 12V, longlife type, life span: 5 - 8 years.Light Control:Automatic switch on at sunset and switch off at sunrise.Adjustable dimming during late night and full power in the morning to extend battery life.Operating time / duration (please specify when ordering)You have the option from dawn to choose 4 consecutive time blocks with 1-15 hours duration and different light intensity of 10-100%.Example 1: Night reduction with shutdown and morning lightFrom dusk 4 hours with 100%, then 2 hours with 50%, starting 3 hours off (0%) and again 5 hours with 100%Example 2: Night shutdown5 hours 100%, 4 hours 0%, 5 hours 100%Example 3: Reduced5 hours with 100%, then 15 hours (rest of the night) with 50%In addition, the charge controllers are equipped with a smart power function that allows automatic dimming at night depending on the battery charge level.If the battery voltage drops below 50%, the lamp is automatically dimmed to 50%, this process is decreasing until the deep discharge protection starts.This setting enables safe operation even on the faint days in winter.The charge controller settings are preset by us according to customer requirements.If you want to change the settings, you need the remote control S-SOLS29.We will gladly help you to decide on the right presettings.All functions are preprogrammed by us according to project and customer specification, so that the luminaire is ready for operation immediately after assembly.Self-sufficient operating time in overcast weather (with fully charged battery):Basic version 6 days (60 hours)The new emergency lighting function ensures the lighting even with low battery charge during very long periods of bad weather,but with reduced luminosity.For extended operational safety in autumn or winter we strongly recommend our extension sets.Lighting range Ø = mast spacing: approx. 18 meters / height: 300 cmAmbient temperature: -20 ° C ~ + 40 ° C (on request -70 ° ... + 85 ° C)Steel mast: galvanized, height 3 meters + ground piece 600mm for setting in concrete,(For additional charge additionally scratch-resistant powder-coated or for mounting with base plate).Resistance to Vandalism. With service door in the mast (special key required).Maintenance-free - (only the solar cells should be freed from snow or leaves if necessary).Degree of protection IP54, class II.Total height with luminaire head and solar module approx. 400cm.Order quantity from 4 pieces (custom-made, smaller quantities on request).Delivery: Completely ready to use, pre-assembled, but disassembled into 4 parts (transport). With assembly instructions.10 years availability guarantee for spare parts.
Elegant design and stable construction - no power supply required - environmentally friendly.Uses: cycle path lighting, footpaths, parks, driveways, pedestrian areas, cycle paths etc.Easy self-assembly and environmentally friendly.General technical data:Light environment Ø approx. 15 metres / Height: 300 cmAmbient temperature: -20°C ~ +40°CProtection class IP54, class IIMaintenance-free - (only the solar module should be cleared of snow or leaves if necessary).10-year availability guarantee for spare parts (custom-made).Delivery: Completely ready for use, but disassembled into 3 parts. With assembly instructions.Intelligent control: Smart microprocessor control with wireless programming option.Automatic switch-on and switch-off at dusk.Adjustable midnight break (lights up only in the evening and morning if required).Overcharge protection, deep discharge protection and automatically temperature-adjusted characteristic curve to extend battery life.The luminaire control is conveniently accessible behind a lockable door in the pole.Luminaire globe:Acrylic sphere 300mm diameterEnergy efficiency class CLight source: SMD LEDLight intensity: 400 lumen (brightness corresponds to a 40W incandescent lamp)Light colour: 4000K pleasant neutral white (no cold, blue light)LED service life: 25,000 hoursThe LEDs can be replaced.Solar module:Monocrystalline silicon (hardened protective glass, hail-resistant).Power: 40WLife expectancy: approx. 25 yearsThe high-quality module technology ensures charging even on cloudy days.On dark days in winter, recharging is limited and the lighting duration is thus shortened.Battery store:Battery: Lithium iron phosphate LiFePo4 12V,maintenance-free, longlife, for solar cycle operationService life: approx. 8 - 10 years / 20°CFunction even at low or high temperatures.For sufficient operating safety in autumn or winter, we strongly recommend our extension sets.Autonomous operating time in overcast weather (with fully charged battery):a) basic version: 24 hours (approx. 2-3 days)b) with extension set winter: 40 hours (approx. 4 days)The new emergency lighting function ensures lighting even when the battery charge is low during very long periods of bad weather,but with reduced luminosity.The batteries are located in the mast, behind the lockable door.Mast:Steel mast: Galvanised (additional scratch-resistant powder-coated at extra cost).Height 300cmTop end Ø 60mmEarth piece 600mm for setting in concrete (or inserting into a sleeve)
With DIM function,automatically dimmed lighting all night at 10-20%,full brightness when a person approaches for 1-10 minutes.Elegant design and stable construction - no power supply required.Easy self-assembly and environmentally friendly.General technical data:Light area Ø approx. 20 metres / height: 400 cmAmbient temperature: -20°C ~ +40°CProtection class IP54, class IIMaintenance-free - (only the solar module should be cleared of snow or leaves if necessary).10 year availability guarantee for spare parts (custom made).Luminaire control:Automatic switch-on via light sensor at dusk to 0% - 20% dim mode.Adjustable midnight pause (lights only in the evening and morning if required).Full brightness when a person approaches.Detection distance of IR sensor 10mLight duration adjustable from 10 sec. - 10 min.Overcharge protection, deep discharge protection and automatic temperature-adjusted characteristic to extend battery life.Luminaire sphere:Acrylic sphere 300mm diameterEnergy efficiency class CLight source: Bright SMD LEDLight intensity: 1600 lumen (The brightness corresponds to a 150W incandescent lamp)Light colour: 4000K pleasant neutral white (no cold, blue light)LED life 30,000 hoursThe beam direction of the LEDs can be switched in 6 directions to optimally adapt the luminaire to the path.The LEDs can be replaced.Solar panel specifications:Monocrystalline silicon 100W (hardened protective glass, hail-resistant)Life expectancy approx. 25 yearsThe high-quality module technology ensures charging even on cloudy days.On dark days in winter, recharging is limited and the lighting duration is thus shortened.Battery store:Battery: Lithium iron phosphate LiFePo4 12Vmaintenance-free, long-life.For solar cycle operationService life: approx. 8 - 10 years / 20°CThis solar light can even shine for several days, even if the solar energy is not sufficient. (dark winter days)For sufficient operating safety in autumn or winter, we strongly recommend our extension sets.Self-sufficient operating time in overcast weather (with fully charged battery):a) Basic version: 480 switch-ons per 1 minute (or 40 hrs. with 20% idle lighting).b) with winter extension set: 960 switch-ons per 1 minute (or 80 hrs. with 20% no-activity illumination).Afterwards, the battery must be recharged with sunlight.The batteries are located in the mast, behind the lockable door.Mast:Steel mast: Galvanised (additional scratch-resistant powder coating available at extra cost).Height 400cmTop end Ø 60mmEarth piece 800mm for setting in concrete (or inserting into a sleeve)
Bell light - elegant in design and safe to operate - no power connection required.Usage: Cycle path lighting, footpaths, car park, driveway, pedestrian zone, cycle paths etc.Energy efficiency class A+++Easy self-assembly and environmentally friendly.Light source: Bright SMD LED bulb - replaceable.Luminous flux: 600 lumenBrightness corresponds to a 60W incandescent lampLight colour: 4000K pleasant neutral white (no cold, blue light).LED service life: 50,000 hoursSolar panel:50W monocrystalline silicon (tempered protective glass, hail-resistant).approx. 25 years life expectancy.The high-quality module technology ensures charging even on cloudy days.On dark days in winter, recharging is limited, thus the lighting duration is shortened.Battery storage:Lithium iron phosphate LiFePo4 12V,maintenance-free, longlife, for solar cycle operationService life approx. 7 - 10 years / 20°CFunction even at low or high temperatures.Intelligent control:Automatic switch-on and switch-off at dusk.Adjustable midnight break (lights up only in the evening and morning if required).Overcharge protection, deep discharge protection and automatic temperature-adjusted characteristic curve to extend battery life.The luminaire control unit is conveniently located behind a lockable door in the pole.Smart Energy Management ensures longer luminaire life even when the battery is low.Steel poleHeight 400cm, Ø 60mm galvanised (optional additional scratch-resistant powder coating).For setting in concrete (optional for erection with base plate).Operating conditions:Daily operation in overcast weather: 30h / 2 - 3 days.Light environment = mast spacing: Ø 18 metresAmbient temperature: -25°C ~ +45°CProtection class IP44, class IIMaintenance-free - (only the solar cells should be cleared of snow or leaves if necessary).Included in the delivery:High performance battery and solar panel, as well as lamp post and bulb.Minimum order quantity: 2 pieces
Bell light - elegant in design and safe to operate - no power connection required.Usage: Cycle path lighting, footpaths, car park, driveway, pedestrian zone, cycle paths etc.Energy efficiency class A+++Easy self-assembly and environmentally friendly.Light source: Two bright LED bulbs - replaceable.Luminous flux: 2 x 600 lumenBrightness corresponds to two 60W incandescent lampsLight colour: 4000K pleasant neutral white (no cold, blue light).LED service life: 50,000 hoursSolar panel:100W monocrystalline silicon (tempered protective glass, hail-resistant).approx. 25 years life expectancy.The high-quality module technology ensures charging even on cloudy days.On dark days in winter, recharging is limited, thus the lighting duration is shortened.Battery storage:Lithium iron phosphate LiFePo4 12V,maintenance-free, longlife, for solar cycle operationService life approx. 7 - 10 years / 20°CFunction even at low or high temperatures.Intelligent control:Automatic switch-on and switch-off at dusk.Adjustable midnight break (lights up only in the evening and morning if required).Overcharge protection, deep discharge protection and automatic temperature-adjusted characteristic curve to extend battery life.The luminaire control unit is conveniently located behind a lockable door in the pole.Smart Energy Management ensures longer luminaire life even when the battery is low.Steel poleHeight 400cm, Ø 60mm galvanised (optional additional scratch-resistant powder coating).For setting in concrete (optional for erection with base plate).Operating conditions:Daily operation in overcast weather: 30h / 2 - 3 days.Light environment = mast spacing: Ø 18 metresAmbient temperature: -25°C ~ +45°CProtection class IP44, class IIMaintenance-free - (only the solar cells should be cleared of snow or leaves if necessary).Included in the delivery:High performance battery and solar panel, as well as lamp post and bulb.Minimum order quantity: 2 pieces
Bell light - elegant in design and safe to operate - no power connection required.Usage: Cycle path lighting, footpaths, car park, driveway, pedestrian zone, cycle paths etc.Energy efficiency class BEasy self-assembly and environmentally friendly.Light source: Bright SMD LED bulb - replaceable.Luminous flux: 1800 lumenBrightness corresponds to a 150W halogen lampLight colour: 4000K pleasant neutral white (no cold, blue light).LED service life: 50,000 hoursSolar panel:50W monocrystalline silicon (tempered protective glass, hail-resistant).approx. 25 years life expectancy.The high-quality module technology ensures charging even on cloudy days.On dark days in winter, recharging is limited, thus the lighting duration is shortened.Battery storage:Lithium iron phosphate LiFePo4 12V,maintenance-free, longlife, for solar cycle operationService life approx. 7 - 11 years / 20°CFunction even at low or high temperatures.Intelligent control:Automatic switch-on and switch-off at dusk.Adjustable midnight break (lights up only in the evening and morning if required).Overcharge protection, deep discharge protection and automatic temperature-adjusted characteristic curve to extend battery life.The luminaire control unit is conveniently located behind a lockable door in the pole.Smart Energy Management ensures longer luminaire life even when the battery is low.Steel poleHeight 500cm, Ø 76mm galvanised (optional additional scratch-resistant powder coating).For setting in concrete (optional for erection with base plate).Operating conditions:Daily operation in overcast weather: 30h / 2 - 3 days.Light environment = mast spacing: Ø 20 metresAmbient temperature: -25°C ~ +45°CProtection class IP44, class IIMaintenance-free - (only the solar cells should be cleared of snow or leaves if necessary).Included in the delivery:High performance battery and solar panel, as well as lamp post and bulb.Minimum order quantity: 2 pieces
Bell shape light - elegant in design and safe to operate - no power connection required.Usage: Cycle path lighting, footpaths, car park, driveway, pedestrian area, cycle lanes etc.Easy self-assembly and environmentally friendly. Maintenance free - (only the solar cells should be cleared of snow or leaves if required).The brightness is equivalent to a 300W halogen lamp. General technical data:Illuminated area: All-round optic approx. 12 x 8m or with street light optics (following the course of the path) 20 x 4m Recommended mast spacing: Approx. 12 - 25 metresAmbient temperature: -20°C ~ +50°C (extension -35°C ~ +65°C possible on request)Material: Brackets: Hot-dip galvanised steel (UV-resistant paint available at extra cost). Screws: VA stainless steel.Energy efficiency class: B Protection class: IP44, III SELV safety extra-low voltage Marks of conformity: CE, RoHS, WEEE20-year availability guarantee for spare parts.Luminaire head specification: Robust LED luminaire head made of die-cast aluminiumLED lamp: SMD chipset OsramLED power: 2 x 15WLight colour: 4000K neutral white (can also be ordered in 3000K warm white) No UV radiation for reduced insect attractionLED efficiency: > 160 lm/wLuminaire efficiency: > 142 lm/wLuminous flux lumen: 2 x 1800 lmCentral illuminance: > 9 Lux (5m height)Average luminous intensity: > 5 Lux (5m)LED life: approx. 80,000 hoursProtection class: IP66 (water and storm protected) Impact resistance: IK10Warranty: 5 years Solar panel specifications: Monocrystalline silicon with very high efficiency Hardened protective glass, hail-resistantThis high-quality module technology guarantees charging even when the sky is overcast. On dark days in winter, recharging is limited and the lighting duration is thus shortened.Efficiency: > 20%Output: 200Wp (without extension)Life expectancy: approx. 25 yearsPerformance guarantee * 20 years 80% / 10 years 90% * except for mechanical impact.Battery storage: Lithium iron phosphate LiFePo4 12V maintenance-free, longlife, for solar cycle operation Service life Approx. 7 - 11 years / 20°C Function also at low or high temperatures Energy storage: 30h / 2 - 3 days (in overcast weather). Intelligent control: Smart microprocessor control with wireless programming option.Readout of the current operating status with storage of the measurement data of all components of the last days.Automatic switch-on at sunset and switch-off at sunrise. (Switching level adjustable)Adjustable dimming during late night and full power again in the morning to extend the lighting duration in bad weather.Please specify desired lighting times and night-time dimming when ordering. You have the option of selecting 4 consecutive time blocks from dusk onwards, each lasting 1-15 hours and with varying light intensity from 10-100%.Example 1: From dusk 4 hours with 100%, then 2 hours with 50%, then 3 hours off (0%) and early in the morning 4 hours with 100%.Example 2: 4 hours 100%, 5 hours midnight 0%, 4 hours 100%.Example 3: 4 hours at 100%, then 10 hours (rest of the night) at 50%.In addition, the charge controller is equipped with a Smart Power function that enables automatic dimming depending on the battery charge level. When the battery voltage drops below 50%, the lamp is automatically dimmed to 50%, this process is descending until the deep discharge protection kicks in. This setting enables safe operation even on the low-light days in winter. The charge controller settings are preset by us according to customer requirements. To change the settings, you need the S-SOLS29 remote control. We will be happy to help you decide on the correct presettings. All functions are pre-programmed by us free of charge, depending on the project and customer requirements, so that the luminaire is ready for operation immediately after installation.Temperature-optimised battery charging and trickle charging to extend battery life.Overvoltage and deep discharge protection for battery.Reverse polarity and short circuit protection. Additional fuseProtection class: IP66Warranty: 5 yearsSteel mast Steel pole, hot-dip galvanised (additionally scratch-resistant powder-coated at extra charge).Visible height: 5 mTop end: Ø 76mm Ground section: 80 cm for setting in concrete (on request also 3m - 8m height)For easier erection, we also offer installation sleeves into which the mast can be inserted.Lockable mast door, for easy access to the control unit. Included in delivery: High-power battery and solar panel, as well as lamp post and bulb.
Timeless design that blends in with the old town as well as parks or footpaths.Usage: Footpath, park, driveway, garden pub, private garden, cycle path etc.Sturdy galvanised steel frame with aluminium components, powder coated.The luminaire is completely handmade in Germany and is of long-lasting quality.LED luminaire head:With LED light sourceBrightness: 600 lumenLifetime: 50000 hoursPleasant light colour 4000K (no cold, blue light).The brightness corresponds to about 60W (conventional light source).Light area: Ø approx. 15mColour: matt silver (other colour on request).Dimensions: Depth 310mm, width 450mm, height 400mm.Protection class: IP44Solar panel:Monocrystalline silicon, 12V 20Whermetically sealed, approx. 25 years life expectancy.Programmable control:Automatic switch-on and switch-off at dusk.Adjustable midnight break (lights only in the evening and morning if required).As an accessory: With motion detector - Low quiet lighting at night and high brightness when a person approaches.Intelligent energy management: Automatic dimming to allow lighting even on long snowy winter days. In the dark season, the lighting duration is limited because the sunlight is only sufficient for a small recharge.Overcharge protection, deep discharge protection and automatic temperature-adjusted characteristic to extend battery life.A wireless programmer for changing the lighting times and brightnesses can be ordered as an accessory.Energy storage:Lithium iron phosphate battery 12V, maintenance-free, service life: 5 - 10 years.The battery is easily accessible and protected from strong sunlight, located at the bottom of the pole, behind a lockable door.Self-sufficient operating time even under slightly cloudy skies: 30 hrs (3 nights).General data:Energy efficiency class BMaintenance-free - (only the solar cells should be cleared of snow or leaves if necessary).Ambient temperature: Minus 20°C ... + 55°CSteel pole:Galvanised steelMatt silver powder-coated (other colours are possible by arrangement)Total height: 340cmpole top end Ø 60mmFor embedding in concrete, 60cm deep (optional for erection with base plate).
* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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