Professionelle Lichttechnik

✔ Hersteller für Solarstraßenleuchten

✔ Made in Germany

✔ Vertrieb für professionelle Industriebeleuchtung

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smart city LED street light Lento

This smart LED street light in a timeless design impresses with its versatility. It can be variably adapted to your needs in terms of both the light optics, light color and smart city equipment.

The LEDs do not emit UV light, which is why hardly any insects are attracted. Thanks to...

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Solar Light of the Year 2024

The most popular solar light this year is our LT-SOL-Z41.
This solid solar light impresses with its great performance and its ability to be adjusted to the minute. The 18W LED light head in a timeless design is supplied with a cylindrical 5m light mast. With the matching lens...

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Our new catalog is here!

Our online shop is pleased to present the new catalog for solar street lights and other lighting solutions! With a wide selection of modern, energy-efficient lights, we offer you sustainable solutions for lighting streets, paths and public spaces. The new models...

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You have already noticed. Everything is different here.

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Solar Street Light LED 5m Pole 120W Motion Sensor 3000K

Robuste Photovoltaik-Straßenleuchte mit LED Lampe und smartem Bewegungssensor- kein Stromanschluss erforderlich.Empfohlen für Länder mit durchschnittlicher Sonneneinstrahlung, wie Europa, Ukraine, Neuseeland.Hohe Lichtstärke durch modernste SMD LED in Verbindung mit elektronischem 12V-60V DC PWM Treiber.Intelligente Mikroprozessor-Systemsteuerung. Konstruktion, Herstellung und Qualitätsmanagement in Deutschland. Die Solarleuchte ist wartungsfrei - lediglich das Solarmodul sollte gelegentlich mit Wasser gereinigt werden.Alle Halterungen und Befestigungen sind feuerverzinkt (gegen Aufpreis auch mit Pulverbeschichtung nach Wunsch).Alle Schrauben bestehen aus VA Edelstahl rostfrei.   Allgemeine technische Daten: Beleuchtete Fläche:              Ca. 20 x 10mEmpfohlener Mastabstand:    ca. 15 - 24 MeterUmgebungstemperatur:         -20°C ~ +50°C (Erweiterung  -35°C ~ +65°C auf Anfrage möglich)Schutzklasse:                        III  SchutzkleinspannungPrüfzeichen:                          CE, RoHS, WEEE20 Jahre Verfügbarkeitsgarantie für Ersatzteile.   Leuchtenkopf Spezifikation: Robuster LED Leuchtenkopf aus Alu-DruckgussLED Lampe:                           SMD ChipsetLED Leistung:                        25WLichtfarbe                             3000K warmweiß Lichtverteilung:                      Straßenlichtoptik ( gegen Aufpreis mit symmetrischer oder asymmetrischer Linsenoptik)  Keine UV-Strahlung für reduzierte Insekten AnlockungLED Effizienz:                         > 160 lm/wLeuchten Effizienz:                 > 145 lm/wLichtstrom Lumen:                   3500 LmZentrale Beleuchtungsstärke: > 18 Lux (5m Höhe)LED Lebensdauer                   ca. 100.000 StundenSchutzart:                               IP65 (wasser- und sturmgeschützt).Schlagfestigkeit:                      IK10Gewährleistung                       5 Jahre   Leuchtensteuerung:Smarte Mikroprozessor Steuerung mit drahtloser Programmier-Möglichkeit.Auslesen des aktuellen Betriebszustandes mit Speicherung der Messdaten aller Komponenten der letzten Tage.Automatische Einschaltung bei Sonnenuntergang und Abschaltung bei Sonnenaufgang. (Schaltpegel einstellbar)  Die Leuchte kann die ganze Nacht (ab Dämmerung) oder in 5 Zeitblocks (1-15Std) auf eine Leistung von Bsp.10-30% eingestellt werden.Sollte eine Person in den Erfassungsbereich des Bewegungsmelder kommen (ca. 15m, 360°) wird die LED Lampe auf 50-100% Leistung, je nach Einstellung 1-10min geschaltet. Durch die langen Wintermonate sollte die Summe der Zeitblöcke zusammen mindestens 15 Stunden betragen. Die Einschaltung der LED beginnt durch die eingestellte Nachtlichterkennungsschwelle (Spannungsabfall am PV Modul). Die Abschaltung der Leuchte bei Sonnenaufgang erfolgt ebenfalls durch die festgelegte Nachtlichterkennungsschwelle (Spannungsaufbau am PV Modul, die Zeitblöcke werden beendet). Beispiel 1: Ab Dämmerung 4 Stunden mit 10% Grundbeleuchtung, bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt 100%, Rest der Nacht (ca.10Std) Grundbeleuchtung 0% und Bewegungsmelderkontakt 70% Beispiel 2: 4 Std 10% Grundbeleuchtung, 100% bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt, danach 6 Std nur bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt 50%, Rest der Nacht wieder 4 Std 10% Grundbeleuchtung, 100% bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt Beispiel 3: Die ganze Nacht (15Std) auf 10%, bei Bewegungsmelderkontakt 100% Zusätzlich ist der Laderegler mit einer Smart Power Funktion ausgerüstet, die eine automatische Dimmung in der Nacht je nach Akkuladezustand ermöglicht.Wenn die Akkuspannung unter 50% fällt, wird die Lampe automatisch auf 50% gedimmt, dieser Prozess ist absteigend bis der Tiefenentladeschutz einsetzt.Diese Einstellung ermöglicht einen sicheren Betrieb auch an den lichtschwachen Tagen im Winter. Die Ladereglereinstellungen werden von uns nach Kundenwunsch voreingestellt.Möchten Sie Einstellungen verändern, benötigen Sie die Fernbedienung S-SOLS29-5.Gerne helfen wir Ihnen bei der Entscheidung der richtigen Voreinstellungen.Alle Funktionen werden je nach Projekt und Kundenwunsch von uns kostenfrei vorprogrammiert, sodaß die Leuchte sofort nach Aufbau betriebsfertig ist.Temperatur-optimierte Batterie-Ladung und Erhaltungsladung zur Schonung der Batterien.Überspannungs- und Tiefentladeschutz für Batterie.Verpolungs-und Kurzschlußschutz.Zusätzliche SchmelzsicherungSchutzart:                               IP66Gewährleistung:                      5 JahreBewegungsmelder:                MikrowellenErfassungswinkel                   360°Reichweite                              bis 12m    Solarmodul Spezifikationen: Monokristallines Silizium mit sehr hohem Wirkungsgradgehärtetes Schutzglas, hagelfestDiese hochwertige Modul-Technologie gewährleistet auch Ladung bei bedecktem Himmel. An dunklen Tagen im Winter ist die Nachladung eingeschränkt, die Leuchtdauer ist damit verkürzt.Wirkungsgrad:                        20%Leistung:                                 120Wp Lebenserwartung:                  ca. 25 JahreLeistungsgarantie *                20 Jahre 80% / 10 Jahre 90%* ausgenommen bei mechanischer Einwirkung   Batterie Speicher: Batterie:                                   Lithium-Eisenphosphat LiFePo4 12V,wartungsfrei, longlife, für Solar ZyklenbetriebLebensdauer                           ca. 8 - 12 Jahre / 20°CFunktion auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen.Autarke Betriebsdauer bei bedecktem Wetter (mit voll geladenem Akku): Grundversion:      40 Stunden (ca. 4 Tage) Die Batterien befinden sich im Mast, hinter der verriegelbaren Tür.   Mast: Stahlmast, feuerverzinkt,Sichtbare Höhe:                        5 mErdstück:                                   80 cm zum Einbetonieren(auf Anfrage auch 4m - 8m Höhe)Zum leichteren Aufstellen bieten wir auch Einbauhülsen an, in die der Mast eingesteckt werden kann.Verschließbare Masttür, für den leichten Zugang zum Steuergerät.     Anlieferung zerlegt mit folgenden Komponenten: LED Lampenkopf mit MastbefestigungLeuchtensteuerung (bereits im Leuchtenkopf montiert)Solarmodul mit stabiler MastbefestigungStahlmast, mit Anschlusskasten und Solarakku (bereits montiert) Bebilderte Aufbauanleitung in deutscher oder englischer Sprache. Alle Komponenten sind vorverkabelt und vorbereitet für den schnellen Aufbau. Die betriebsfertige Leuchte wird zerlegt geliefert, für den sicheren Transport.

From €1,487.50*
* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Street Light Pole 4m with LED Lamp Eco 18W

Modern and elegant street lamp for bike path, parking, driveway, hiking trails, living areas.Including galvanized steel mast with 4 meter LPH.The mast has a lockable service door and a junction box with fuse.Dimensions: h1 length = 4000 mm / h2 soil = 600 mmIncluding LED lamp head:no maintenance costs, no reflectors clean.The LEDs emit no UV light, so little insects are attracted.Pleasant bright light, low glare, good visibility, durable and safe in operation.By using many small LEDs, the heat distribution is better and thus extends the life.The brightness is equivalent to an 80W HQL mercury vapor lamp.SMD LED chipsLight color: 4000K neutral white (custom-made 3000K )Luminous flux: > 2500 LmCentral illuminance: > 20 lux (4m height)Average light intensity: > 10 lux (4m)Voltage: 100 - 277V 50-60HzProtection class: IP66Impact resistance: IK08Ambient temperature: -25 ° C ... + 45 ° CLED operating current: 700mAPower consumption 18WPower factor > 0.90Test mark: CE & RoHSSpare Parts Guarantee on the E-Block (Driver) 20 yearsHousing aluminum high quality, gray RAL7005Dimensions 470mm x 230mm x 60mmTip: The widespread, old street lights with 40W tube can be replaced by this LED light.Also as a replacement for the mushroom lights with 50W-80W HQL mercury vapor lamp.You save significantly energy, maintenance costs and achieve better illumination through the exchange.Delivery:Light Pole Hot-dip galvanized, (depending on order with powder coating)Mast adapter for mounting the lamp head on the mastLED lamp head, ready for use with connection cable

From €555.73*
* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

LED Street Light Fixture Night Sky Protecting 12W 2200K

An inexpensive luminaire that does not come from the Far East.No lamp replacement for approx. 12 years, no maintenance costs, no reflectors to clean.The LEDs do not emit UV light, so hardly any insects are attracted.Pleasantly bright light, low glare, good visibility, long-lasting and safe in operation.Trial lighting on request.The brightness corresponds to 50W NAV = 80W HQL mercury vapour lamp.LEDs:                          Samsung Power SMDLED luminous flux:  1780 LmEfficiency:                  170 Lm/WLight colour:             2200K yellow ( on request also available in 3000K warm white, 4000K neutral white or 5700K daylight)Colour rendering:     Ra >70Optics: PMMA anti-UV UL94 road lens optic, cycle path or footpath opticLife expectancy:        157,000h L80 B10 @ta25Ambient temperature: -35° to +50°CLED operating current: 700mAPower consumption: 12WVoltage:                      220-240V 50/60HzPower factor:             > 0.90Overvoltage protection: 6/8-10Kv can be ordered optionallyCentral illuminance: > 26 Lux (4m height)Average light intensity : > 12 Lux (4m)Recommended mast height: 4 - 7 mRecommended distance, pole to pole: 15 - 25mHousing, locking mechanism, cover and mounting block made of high-quality cast aluminium.Surface:                      Polyester powder coating anthracite RAL7039 (other colours on request)Mast mounting:         base or mast top 60mmAngle adjustable from -5 degrees to +15 degreesConnecting plate:      Easily removable nylon fibreglass support plate.Protective glass:        Tempered 4mmTiltable                        in 4 steps up to 15 degree Protection class:        IP66, splash-proof, class IIImpact resistance:     IK08Wind load:                  0.135m²Dimensions:               L 500 mm, W 270 x H 88 mmCertifications:            CE, ENEC, RoHSAlso dimmable at extra charge:Half light - With power reduction, switchable 50% - 100%,1-10V - Stepless dimmable,DALI - Infinitely digitally dimmable.Excellent cooling effect, as well as temperature sensor for very long service life.Spare parts guarantee on the E-block (driver) 20 years.Tip: The widespread, old street lights with 40W double tubes can be replaced by this LED luminaire.Likewise as a replacement for the mushroom luminaires with 80W HQL mercury vapour lamp or 50W sodium vapour lamp.By replacing them, you save significantly on energy, maintenance costs and achieve better illumination.

* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

LED Park Street Light Sylt with Pole 4m

Economical and decorative LED street light u. Column light.Luminaire made of cast aluminum black-gray RAL 7021.UV-stabilized acrylic glass (on request prismatic polycarbonate).Light emission according to the relevant standards against the light pollution of the night sky.To the mast attachment on 60mm masts.Including power SMD LED bulbs 30WLED mushroom lights emit no UV light and attract little insects. The lamp stays clean for longer and without cobwebs.The LED mushroom lamps are almost maintenance free, have a very long life, require only a quarter of the power, like conventional mercury vapor lamps.The light is pleasantly warm, evenly lit and does not fade into the surrounding windows.Including LED supply unit.Luminous flux: 3005 LmLight color: 4000K neutral white (from 10 pcs. Also 3000K warm white)Light distribution: 360 degrees all aroundParticularly economical - high efficiency of the lamp -The brightness is comparable to 80W HQL mercury vapor lamp or a 70W sodium vapor lamp.Lifetime: > 50000 hrs.Operating voltage 230V (85 ... 265V AC) 50 / 60HzPower consumption: 30/50 wattsBuilt-in power stabilization, which ensures constant luminous intensity even with fluctuating mains voltage.Protection class: IP65Protection class IIPermissible ambient temperature: -40 ° C ... + 50 ° CDimensions: diameter 600mm, height 418mmIncluding galvanized steel mast, powder coated in RAL against surcharge, fuse box in mast and cable.Height: 4mSoil: 80cmTotal height of the luminaire: 4800 mmDelivery:Light Pole Hot-dip galvanized, (with surcharge with powder coating)Mast adapter for mounting the lamp head on the mastLED lamp head, ready for use with connection cableCable junction box 16² with fuses and screws for mounting in the mast doorThe brightness is comparable to 80W HQL mercury vapor lamp or a 50W sodium vapor lamp.Lifetime: > 50000 hrs.LED mushroom lights do not emit UV light and attract no insects. The lamp stays clean for longer and without cobwebs.The LED mushroom lamps are almost maintenance free, have a very long life, require only a quarter of the power, like conventional mercury vapor lamps.The light is pleasantly warm, evenly lit and does not fade into the surrounding windows.Including LED supply unit.Operating voltage 230V (85 ... 265V AC) 50 / 60HzPower consumption: 30 wattsBuilt-in power stabilization, which ensures constant luminous intensity even with fluctuating mains voltage.Protection class: IP65Protection class IIPermissible ambient temperature: -40 ° C ... + 40 ° CDimensions: diameter 600mm, height 418mm.Including galvanized steel mast, powder coated in RAL against surcharge, fuse box in mast and cable.Height: 4mSoil: 60cmTotal height of the lamp: 4600 mmDelivery:Light Pole Hot-dip galvanized, (depending on order with powder coating)Mast adapter for mounting the lamp head on the mastLED lamp head, ready for use with connection cableCable junction box 16² with fuses and screws for mounting in the mast door

From €885.36*
* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Solar Lighting Set for Bus Stops with motion sensor

Powerful PV solar lighting with LED tube-shaped light and motion detector.The system consists of two components: The solar module and the luminaire unit.The connection is simply plugged together with the enclosed cable.Only the luminaire and the PV module need to be screwed in place with the fastening material provided.The lighting is ready.Luminaire module:LED Power: 18WLuminous flux: 2200 LmHigh brightness: 30 Lux / 2.8m distanceLight colour: 4000K natural whiteMotion detector: Radar, range 5 - 8 mDetection angle: 180 degAutomatic switch-on in darknessHousing: Sturdy ABS surface-mounted luminaireDimensions: L 600 mm, H 92 mm, D 84 mmProtection class: IP67Impact resistance: IK10Incl. remote control:For selecting the different operating modes:A) Luminaire only reacts to motion detectors and otherwise remains dark.B) The light is always on 50% economy mode at night; only when a person is detected does the luminaire switch to full light intensity.After about 60 seconds, the light switches back to economy mode.Other time functions or continuous light can be selected according to the operating instructions.Solar module:Monocrystalline solar module, sealed and hail-resistant, life expectancy approx. 25 years.The high-quality solar cell technology ensures charging even on cloudy days.In winter, when the weather is dark for several days, the solar module may not supply enough energy and the light may not shine continuously.Module dimensions: Approx. 820 x 675 x 35mmMounting bracket for solar module,Connecting cable: 5 m long, with plug connectorTechnical data:Self-sufficient light duration: approx. 12 hrs. depending on weather conditions with fully charged battery.At 60 switch-ons per night, this corresponds to 2 nights if no solar charging takes place.With LiO longlife batteries: 216 WhDeep discharge protection.Warranty: 3 years, batteries excluded.

From €639.03*
* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

LED Tube T8, 1200mm 4Ft 12V-24V DC 18W G13 4000K

Powerful LED lamp as replacement against fluorescent tubes - bright LED tube.Very bright by high flux SMD LED.Advantages of LED tube lamps against the old fluorescent tubes: Low power consumption, very long life time, high brightness, contains no toxic elements.LED tubes are maintenance free, wich results in a fast amortisation.This tube replaces a fluorescent tube TL 36W T8Rated life: 25000 h - more than 20 years.Luminous flux: 2160 lmLight colour: 4500K pure white ( at 50 pcs. on request with 3000K warm white or 6500K daylight)Wide beam spread: 180°Matted diffusor (on request in clear available)Operating voltage: 12V and 24V DC (10V - 28V) - not for mains voltage !The electrical connection is made at one end of the tube. The other end is bridged.Reverse polarity protected: +- can be reversedPower: 18 wattEasy exchange at lighting fixtures with magnetic ballast.Only the ignitor has to be removed. Than the old tube has to be taken out and replaced by the new LED tube.Not suitable for fixtures with electronic ballast !Socket: T8, G13 - like standard fluorescent tubes.Material: Glass / aluminiumLength: 1200 mmDiameter: 28 mmStandards: TÜV, CE, EMC, ETL, SAA, GS, FCC und RoHS, CEI, EN 55015:2013, EN 61000-3-2:2014, EN 61000-3-3:2013, EN 61547:2009, EN 62776:2015, EN 62471:2008, EN 62493:2015Sale to trade or industry only. Installation may only be carried out by a qualified electrician.

From €29.75*
* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

LED Tube for Train 24V DC T8, 1200mm 4Ft 18W

Powerful LED lamp as replacement against fluorescent tubes - bright LED tube.Very bright by high flux SMD LED.Advantages of LED tube lamps against the old fluorescent tubes: Low power consumption, very long life time, high brightness, contains no toxic elements. LED tubes are maintenance free, wich results in a fast amortisation. This tube replaces a fluorescent tube TL 36W T8 Easy exchange at lighting fixtures. All kind of ballast or ignitors have to be removed from the lighting fixture. The direct operation on 12V or 24V dc voltage is required. Rated life:                 35000 h - more than 20 years. Luminous flux:          2160 lm Light colour:             4000K pure white 840 ( at 50 pcs. on request with 3000K warm white or 6500K daylight) Wide beam spread: 180° Matted diffusor (on request in clear available) Operating voltage:   12V and 24V DC (10V - 28V) - not for mains voltage ! The electrical connection is made at one end of the tube. The other end is bridged. Reverse polarity protected: +- can be reversed Power:                     18 watt Socket:                    T8, G13 - like standard fluorescent tubes. Material:                   aluminium / polycarbonate Length:                    1200 mm Diameter:                 28 mm Standards:               TÜV, CE, EMC, ETL, SAA, GS, FCC und RoHS, CEI, EN 55015:2013, EN 61000-3-2:2014,                                  EN 61000-3-3:2013, EN 61547:2009, EN 62776:2015, EN 62471:2008, EN 62493:2015,                                  EN 45545 ( R24) fire protection  Sale to trade or industry only. Installation may only be carried out by a qualified electrician.

* Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

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FAQ – Solar Streetlights by GEO-Technik

What are the advantages of solar street lights compared to conventional street lights?
Solar street lights utilise solar energy to generate electricity, making them extremely energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. They help to cut electricity costs and reduce CO2 emissions. They are also independent of the power grid and ideal for remote areas without existing infrastructure. The installation costs are much lower compared to conventional street lights, as no underground cables need to be laid.
How long do solar street lights last?
The service life of our solar street lights varies depending on the model and operating conditions. Thanks to the use of modern battery management monitored LiFePo 4 batteries, the batteries have a service life of at least 8-10 years, which can be easily checked or replaced via the mast service door on most models. The LED street lights used have a service life of up to 50,000 hours, while the monocrystalline photovoltaic modules have a performance guarantee of 90% for 20 years. After purchasing a solar light, you have a 10-year spare parts availability guarantee. After this time, the light does not have to be dismantled if a component fails, we will of course continue to offer you equivalent spare parts.
How does a solar street light work?
Solar street lights work by absorbing solar energy via solar panels during the day and storing it in a LiFePo 4 or solar AGM battery. At night, this stored energy is used to power the street lights. Our microprocessor controls switch the lighting on automatically at dusk and off again at dawn. Basically, you can choose between 4 control principles:
  1. Switch on at sunrise. You can set 10 different time blocks after switching on and define an associated dimming level; the lighting switches off again at sunrise. (Example: After sunset 5 hours at 100%, then the rest of the night at 50% light output.
  2. Switching on with motion detector. After sunset, the lighting switches to basic lighting as required (e.g. 10%). If a person is within the detection range of our motion detector, the lighting switches to 100% for a predefined time (e.g. 2 min)
  3. Switching on to the minute via a timer. The lighting only switches on at night at the times you predefine. For a bus stop or shift operation, for example. 17 switch-ons are possible. (Example for a bus stop: sunset until 10 p.m., then off and on again from 5 a.m. until sunrise)
  4. Manual switch-on via a push button. Here you have the option of switching on the lighting for an adjustable period (5 minutes to 3 hours) using an illuminated push-button on the pole (stainless steel / vandalism-protected recessed in the door). Pressing the push-button again switches the lighting off prematurely if required. This solution is ideal for on-demand lighting such as small sports facilities, green waste collection points or collection areas.
What applications are solar street lights suitable for?
Our solar street lights are ideal for use in car parks, industrial areas, residential areas, on cycle paths and in rural and hard-to-reach areas. They provide reliable lighting without the need to lay expensive power cables.
How much sunlight do solar street lights need to function properly?
Solar street lights require sufficient sunlight to fully charge the batteries. The location of the solar light should be chosen so that the PV module can be orientated towards the south and is illuminated by the sun for most of the day. As a rule, average solar radiation is sufficient to operate the lights at night. Our models are specially developed and designed for use in Central European weather conditions. Functions such as automatic light reduction by our solar control system when the battery power is low guarantee efficient and sufficient lighting even in cloudy conditions and during the winter months.
Does Geo-Technik produce the solar street lights itself?
Yes, all of our solar street lights, brackets and customised solutions are developed and produced by Geo-Technik in Germany. Our in-house metalworking shop in Großkrotzenburg, Hesse, enables us to guarantee the highest quality standards and offer customised solutions for our customers.
How to install a solar street light?
Installation is straightforward as no wiring is required for the power grid. The solar street lights can be installed in almost any sunny location. All components are pre-assembled by us in such a way that installation is kept to a minimum. Once the mast has been installed, the LED luminaire head with pre-assembled bracket and cable is attached, then the PV module is placed on the mast with the bracket already fitted on delivery. Finally, the solar control unit is connected (mounted together with the battery in the mast on delivery). All our solar lights operate in the safety extra-low voltage range (below 60V/DC) and are electronically fused several times. You will also receive detailed, illustrated installation instructions to help you install the lighting safely and efficiently. Should you have any questions before, during or after installation, our technical team will be happy to help.
Are the solar street lights weatherproof?
Yes, all our solar street lights are designed for outdoor use and are fully weatherproof. They are protected against rain, snow and extreme temperatures and guarantee long-term use even under difficult conditions.
How sustainable are solar street lights from Geo-Technik?
Solar street lights actively contribute to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. By utilising renewable energy and durable materials, our products are a sustainable solution for public and private lighting projects. However, should a failure or damage occur, not everything needs to be replaced. It is possible to replace or repair the affected components in almost all cases.
What maintenance is required for solar street lights?
Solar street lights are basically maintenance-free. Occasional cleaning of the solar panels to remove dirt or snow and checking the battery about once a year are sufficient to ensure optimum performance. The history data of our control units can be read out easily and without tools using our programming device.